• Read detail forecast, this Month Winter is Ending in UAE

      February 21, 2019    

    In the coming days, the natives of the UAE can say goodbye to the winter season and rain as temperature supposed to lightly rise.

    In the next three days, the temperature may be a rise up to 29 degree Celsius and from the Saturday the temperature could be 30 degree Celsius according to the meteorologist at the National Centre of Meteorology(NCM) fortified the temperature.

    The citizens all over the nation enjoyed the temperature of 17 degree Celsius with heavy rains and booming, in the past week.

    The meteorologist share the expect rain in the coming week, "We don't expect significant temperature changes during the coming three days.

    Temperature in UAE

    Today (February 20), the maximum temperature nationwide was 26 degrees. During the coming three days, it will be around this range from 26 to 29 degrees. Humidity is expected to increase in the night and early morning," he said. "The weather tomorrow will be fairly and partly cloudy in general. The fresh northwestern winds will be expected to weaken during day time. The sea state will turn to be moderate to slight."

    The situation of the wind coming from the north and south will be weakened the over next few days, which cause the increased temperature.

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