• Best and Fastest Way to Learn Another Language

      July 11, 2017    

    Best and Fastest Way to Learn Another Language

    Best and Fastest Way to Learn Another Language :It’s easier than you think to learn another language especially since you already know one.

    Why Most of Us Failed in High School

    The majority of us have failed to learn a second language even though we’ve all learned our first. Everyone on the planet is fluent in at least one language. So we all have what it takes to learn at least one. So why is learning a second language so hard? It’s because it’s taught wrong.

    We were placed in a cold classroom and expected to speak in front of our peers in a language we didn’t know. It’s bad enough that public speaking is the number one fear for people and that’s in their native tongue.

    Now imagine trying to speak in a foreign one. And when we made mistakes, we were punished with red marks on the page and low grades. And unlike most classes, our failures in a language class are public. This conditioned us NOT to speak for fear of looking stupid or saying something wrong. Imagine teaching babies to speak this way. No one would ever learn to speak.

    Learning Like a Baby

    As babies, we learned our first language by immersion, listening and mimicking every single day. All we could do was listen, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And not once, did we receive a grammar lesson from anyone.

    We didn’t study grammar books. Endlessly conjugate verbs. Memorize vocabulary. We didn’t get marked down every time we made a mistake. And that’s why we learned it so well. But as adults, we cannot afford to go back to this approach.

    We don’t have the time. And the good news is that we don’t need to because we can actually learn faster. We can use our working vocabulary to accelerate our learning.

    Learn it Like a Video Game

    Every time you start a new video game, you have to learn the controls. The first time you play, it takes a while to learn the controls. But the next game and next are easier since there are many similarities. But think back to how video games teach you the controls, or at least the good games.

    They give you just enough training so that you can start playing. That was your goal. To play a video game. So the sooner you’re playing, the sooner you’re having fun. And isn’t that the whole point of the exercise? And if you’re having fun, you don’t even realize that you’re still learning how to play the game.

    It just happens. And before you know it, you just react without thinking. And you’re doing things?—?hard things?—?with ease. How did you get so good? By practicing. But it didn’t feel like practicing because you were too busy having fun to realize that you were practicing.

    Now imagine if video games taught you how to play the way languages are traditionally taught. They’d have you practice jumping for 20 minutes. Then crouching. Then tomorrow, more jumping and then sneaking. Then the next day… Well, you get it. Learning a language is the same. You came here to speak. Not to conjugate. Or memorize. So the faster you can get to speaking, the better.

    You need just a tiny bit of starting vocabulary and then you should start conversing. Isn’t that the whole point of the exercise? Isn’t that the goal? So the sooner you get to speak, the sooner you’re having fun. And when you’re having fun, you won’t quit. And if you don’t quit, you’re going to learn.

    And you’ll learn much faster than the traditional boring methods. You need to put in the time to learn anything. Imagine if that time was always fun. Before you know it, you’re speaking another language.

    But What About Grammar and Vocabulary?

    Grammar is clearly important. But think back to how you learned grammar originally. And I don’t mean taking an English class in grade school. That’s just giving names and categories to things you already knew. You learned grammar naturally by hearing it.

    The same goes for Vocabulary. You hear words in context and surmise their meanings. You still do this in your native language. For example, if you don’t know what the word surmise means in the above sentence, you can figure out what it means because you understand all the other words. Your parents didn’t drill into you the right way to use, go, went, going, gone.

    They didn’t run around the room pointing at objects saying their names. But you learned it before Kindergarten. You learned all the necessary elements of grammar and basic vocabulary by experience and repetition. How? By listening and speaking. This is the natural way of learning language.

    The Language Revolution is Here

    These results prove that traditional methods of classroom-style teaching can be greatly improved upon. Grammar and vocabulary do not need to be the center point for new students. Hearing and speaking as soon as possible accelerates students’ understanding and speaking abilities in the new language.

    These quickly acquired skills reward students early and often, making the process of learning highly enjoyable. And because it’s enjoyable, students will want to continue learning.

    This positive feedback accelerates the learning process. We need to have a real revolution in how we teach languages. Academia has failed nearly every student it’s encountered. We all have the ability to speak multiple languages and speak them well.

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